Christianity in Indian Dance Forms
The author also deals with Margamkali and Parichamuttukali (Flip Book).
Christian Literature of Kerala
കേരളത്തിലെ ക്രിസ്തീയ സാഹിത്യം ഓന്നാം ഭാഗം (ഏ.ഡി. 1800 വരെ) (Flip Book).
Marriage Rite Proper to Ethnic Knanaya Community.
Doctorate Dissertation of Fr. Jose Nellickakandathil, Rome (Flip Book).
Traditional Songs 1910 (first) edition
പുരാതനപാട്ടുകൾ, by P.U. Lukas, First Edition of 1910 (Flip Book).
Traditional Songs by P.U. Lukas 1980
പുരാതനപാട്ടുകൾ, Fifth Edition, by P.U. Lukas (Flip Book).
Traditional Songs 2016 Edition
പുരാതനപാട്ടുകൾ, by P.U. Lukas, 11th Edition, 2016 (Flip Book).
The Domestic Church as a Sanctuary of Life
Doctorate Thesis of Fr. Bipy Tharayil on Knanaya Families (Flip Book).
Paraliturgical Services in the Marriage Celebration of the Southists
By James Mathew (Flip Book).
Southist Vcariate of Kottayam
Doctoral thesis by Dr. Mathew Kochadampallil (Partial) (Flip Book).
Children of the Covenant and Ritual Traditions
ഉടമ്പടിയുടെ മക്കളും ആചാരാനുഷ്ഠാനപാരമ്പര്യങ്ങളും (Flip Book).
The Knanayology Foundation (Knanaya Global Foundation NFP), a non-profit organization registered in IL, USA, hosts Knanayology and undertakes other projects on Knanaya Community .